Put Yourself First!

Do you always take care of others, but forget to take care of yourself? Do you find that you put yourself last on your to-do list? Does your “me” time get postponed each day due to other “more important things” in your life?

I completely understand that life is busy. You have your families, your career, errands to accomplish, meetings and social gatherings to attend, and daily tasks to achieve. Life can become stressful and so overwhelming, and it is easy to make excuses to put your body’s needs last on the totem pole.

How are you expected to take care of everyone and everything in your life if you are unable to care for yourself? Stop making excuses! Start telling yourself that YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT! You deserve to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Make the commitment to your precious body today and allow yourself to be selfish once in a while. Start small. Do just one thing a day that makes you happy. Work within your schedule to make the time for you. Even if it means waking up 10 minutes earlier to sip a cup of tea, breathe, and think about what you are most grateful for in your life. Find out what fulfills you the most, and make self-care the top of your to-do list. Your mind and body will appreciate it, and so will those around you!

Here Are Some of My Favorite Self-Care Tips:

  • Slow Down– Too often we are on the run and miss the little things in life. Take a few moments each day to slow down, notice the sights, sounds, and smells around you, and be in the moment.

  • Breathe – Many of us forget to breathe—really breathe. Set a few times a day to pause, breathe, relax, and appreciate the power of inhaling and exhaling

  • Reflect– Take a few moments each morning to sit on your couch or most comfy chair with a cup of tea or coffee, reflect, and think about the wonderful blessings in your life

  • Cherish Sleep–Sleep is so important for your emotional and physical well-being. Make it a priority to go to bed a little earlier even if it means saving your favorite TV show for the weekend. Find relaxation techniques that will help you fall asleep and maintain a deep peaceful sleep throughout the night

  • Exercise – Find an exercise that you enjoy. It could be taking an exercise class at the gym, going for a run outside, or playing your favorite workout video at home

  • Create a Spiritual Practice – Find a spiritual practice that speaks to you whether it be religion, prayer, yoga, meditation, or embracing nature

  • Enjoy Nature– Take 10 minutes to go for a walk outside or plant a garden, and enjoy the crisp, fresh air. It will reenergize you and provide clarity

  • Pamper Yourself – Get a fabulous massage, manicure, pedicure, or take a hot bath with your favorite essential oils or bubble bath

  • Hot Towel Scrub – Body scrubbing is a great way to relieve stress, reduce muscle tension, reenergize you in the morning, and relax you in the evening to prepare you for a peaceful night sleep

  • Hot Water Bottle – The hot water bottle provides comfortable, soothing heat therapy to any part of your body, relaxes your muscles and calms your mind

  • Cook Your Favorite Meal – Cooking can be very therapeutic, especially, when you take the time to make something you love

  • Journal – Journaling is a great way to process your emotions and write whatever it is that comes to mind. Journal first thing in the morning before you are fully awake or reflect at night before you go to sleep. Count your blessings and acknowledge what you are thankful for in life.

  • Read A Book – Find that book you’re been dying to read and sit on the couch with your coziest blanket

  • Play an Instrument – Has your guitar been sitting in your closet for the past few months? Pick it up again and strum for 15-20 minutes

  • Listen to music –Listen to your favorite artist or band and get lost in the music

  • Challenge Your Mind – Do a fun puzzle, Sudoku, or crossword

  • Paint or Color – Painting a picture or coloring a book are great tools to release your creativity and use your imagination (yes, there are fabulous, fun coloring books out for adults now :))

  • Just Dance – Take a dance class or even turn on the music and dance around your house! Go crazy and have fun!

Make your home a cozy, Zen environment to enjoy your self-care time. A wonderful way to add more peace and relaxation to your life is to have a clean, calming atmosphere in your home. Clutter can cause unnecessary stress. Add some house plants to purify the air, light candles, get some cozy throw blankets and pillows to make your house more comfortable, and relaxing.

These are just a few of my favorite self-care tips. Find out what you enjoy the most, experiment, and make YOU your priority each day! :)

Happy New Year, and I look forward to see the wonderful ways you incorporate self-care into your life in 2017!

Talya Kosstrin